Saturday, September 22, 2007

Day Eight - Nanchang

What I was unable to capture in our walk, maybe a photo will capture it later on, is the curiosity of the Chinese. Especially, for Lian and Anna, and occasionally Suzanne and your's truly. Especially, with this walk and previously in Beijing and again just this afternoon, the Chinese will come up and just start touching Lian and Anna and asking chinese...and want photographs. Actually, the photographs seem to be mostly with me, must be the full head of hair I am sporting these days....Anyway, when walking down the street, total strangers will stop and stare and occassionally say hello, but I am certain by the end of this trip, we will cause at least one hit and run...I say hit and run because no one stops in cars/mo-peds/bikes...they just keep going, weaving slowly through the throngs of is a sea of movement that is hard to explain.

In any event, at the end of the walking street is a McDonald's...of course, you can't just order a number three and get a quarter pounder with has cucumbers in it. But the fries were tasty.

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