Saturday, September 22, 2007

Tummy Time

I wasn't able to capture this, however, Suzanne did and it is called tummy time. Anna has a fear of lying on her stomach, although she can pretty much stand up and stumble around with help. Trying to alleviate this and get her to crawl before walking is the goal, supposedly helps with coordination later on...the things one learns biding time in Nanchang...anyway, it has been a daily event for tummy time to help Anna with the fear and get her crawling. By the way, Lian is being a great big sister in all this and is really helping her little sister when possible.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These ought to be FRAMED! They are GREAT. I love seeing the whole family on their tummy - the look of peace on Anna's face and smiles of Jenn and Dano - and love the metaphor of what these pictures communicate - a family dedicated to their new daughter in every way! What HOPE their is in life when you have parents who are willing to do tummy time with you! I've been checking all of the blogs daily and am so enjoying yours!